Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
Who is a Refugee?
International refugee law
Australia's refugee law
Fact Sheets
Australia's visa system
Refugee law timeline
Detention guidelines

This community education kit is a plain language guide to the international and domestic laws and processes for dealing with asylum seekers and refugees. The kit is both an accessible information resource, and an educational tool.

The kit was written in May 2003 for Australian Lawyers for Human Rights by lawyers Emma Bailey, Mia Garlick, Steven Glass, Michelle Hannon, Gregor Macfie, Siobhan McCann, Sera Mirzabegian, Damian Spruce, and Jane Stratton, with the pro bono assistance of Gilbert+Tobin Lawyers. It was updated in 2004 by Leanne McKay, Carola Schmidt and Linda Tucker. It was first published as a printed text in collaboration with the Centre for Refugee Research, University of New South Wales.

This online version of the kit has been produced with the financial assistance of the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW. The Foundation seeks to advance the fairness and equity of the justice system, and to improve access to justice, especially for socially and economically disadvantaged people.